So...You're a Christian

Written by Clark Steele on . Posted in FAITH

Publisher's Note:  Mr. Steele has made some great points here, and I am grateful to offer my readers some very brief, serious food for thought.

Clarke Steele:  You promote the defiling of the Holy union of man and woman known as marriage.  You advocate and force the financial support of an institution that slaughters the most innocent amongst us, the unborn and newly born.

Your Party of affiliation removed God from their platform and upon realization of the public relations problem that caused replaced the word God and even that brought boos from your political family.

You aid, comfort, arm and consort with those that persecute Christians and Jews.  You refer to a heretical fiction that inspires death and persecution as "Holy" yet never refer to the Holy Bible or Holy Talmud as such.

You practice behavior encouraged by the Hadith, but not the Bible.  You deny your nation is a Christian nation to the world.

You are not a peace maker as Christ teaches but a divider and sower of envy.

You surround yourself not with Christians and faithful Jews, but with Atheist, deniers and blasphemers.

The Bible teaches we will know you not by your words but by your works.  We know you!