'Whiner' in chief

Written by Diane Sori on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  In this installation of The Patriot Factor, Diane Sori very adeptly points out the all too willing habit of POTUS to sit down with our enemies as they plot our demise, but his refusal to seriously discuss our problems with our own congress.  Instead, when he doesn't get his way, DC sounds like a nursery.

Diane Sori:  Oh what a president we have as the blame game takes center stage...and the oh so familiar whining begins anew.

Oh what a president we have...a president who will sit down and talk with any vile despot, dictator, and terrorist group leader in the world, but heaven forbid he sits down and talks with John Boehner and the Republicans about the dreaded and unwanted ObamaCare or the looming debt ceiling crisis.

Oh what a president we have...a president who protects by exemptions his cronies...his minions...and those who orbit around him...protects them from ObamaCare but sticks 'We the People' with this monstrosity.  And with a possible government shutdown hovering because of ObamaCare and the debt ceiling crisis, Obama had the audacity to accuse House Republicans of 'extortion', 

saying a 'faction' of lawmakers threaten to force the country into default unless he agrees to delay or defund his 'beloved' ObamaCare...complete with its death panels and medical treatment decided upon by bureaucrats and NOT by doctors.

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