Lest we forget, we are His servants.

Written by Dawn Ellen on . Posted in FAITH

Publisher's note:  Once again, my friend Dawn has been inspired and inspired me with a very basic and simple article.  She is absolutely correct, many of us do seem to make demands of Jesus when we pray as if He should drop everything else and tend to our perceived need.  Amazing insight.

Dawn Ellen:  Jesus is not our servant, we are His servants. He is not at our beckoned call, so we must seek His face no matter how long it takes for Him to answer.  Dare we demand anything from our Lord?  Never!  

In the Churches today there seems to be arrogance. Christians are demanding that the Lord answer their prayers.  They reject the Lord’s will and try to force the Lord to abide by their will.  I see the Lord’s people shaking their fists to the ceilings in Church saying, “Because it is in Your Word, You HAVE TO do it."  

Actually, He doesn’t need to do anything.  Yet, He looks down on us and pours His mercy upon us. He may not answer your prayer the way you want, but He answers it according to what you need at the time.  

Your life is not about “answered prayer,” but about the Lord growing and enriching your faith.  It’s about humbling yourself before the throne in recognition that you are nothing in His sight but for His blood, He sees us as His Redeemed.  I refuse to assume I know the Lord’s mind or His will in my life.  I refuse to be arrogant and demand He answer my prayers the way I want Him to. Yes, I have unanswered prayer in my life for 35 years now, but I am a changed person, a grounded in the Word person, and a person with unimaginable faith in my Savior.  I dare not go before the throne with an arrogant spirit, but a spirit of complete humility knowing I could have been thrown into the depths of hell for all eternity.

Yet, because of His unlimited love and blood shed for me, I am redeemed.  We dare not go to the Throne with heads lifted up, but fall prostrate before Him.  We cannot even stand before His Shekinah glory because of our sin, but because of our Jesus we can come boldly before the Throne.

Notice I said through Jesus, not ourselves.  We must shake off the arrogance and put on the spirit of humility before the Lord.  Through that humility do we understand that it is His will and not our own that we receive answered prayers?

Dawn Ellen