A real American speaks to Speaker Boehner

Written by Dawn Ellen on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  Once again, our friend, Dawn Ellen has struck a chord.  Apparently our Speaker of the House, Congressman John Boehner has seen fit to denigrate the ideals of and the very people that supported him.  In her very brief open letter to him, Dawn says in a very concise manner exactly what so many are thinking, yours truly included.  Let me add beforehand; Mr. Speaker....shut your pie hole, quit your crying, and pass that gavel to someone that possesses a set of cojones!

Dawn Ellen:  House Speaker John Boehner: "Are you kidding me? Frankly, I think they're (Tea Party) misleading their followers. I think they're pushing our members in places they don't want to be and frankly I just think they've lost all credibility.”

Dear House Speaker John Boehner,

First of all let me say that you have overstayed your welcome in the House and in 2014, I pray the People have the backbone to force you out of office. Secondly, I am completely amused at your bloviating and hypersensitive rants against the Tea Party. The Tea Party is about the reduction of government, its spending and abusive taxation. They are about abiding by and enforcing the Constitution. They follow and respect the Founding Fathers principles and vision for this country. The Tea Party is not about career politicians like you, they are about Term Limits and eliminating lifetime pensions and insurance for politicians. The Conservatives who proclaim to be “We the People” ARE the Tea Party. The Tea Party has been around since the beginning of this Republic. They were there when the Constitution was written and passed. They fought and died to make this country free. They were the ones who demanded that slaves be free and then passed the 13th Amendment. You represent the “middle of the road” politicians. The career politicians who lost their love for We the People a long time ago and became self-absorbed and self- involved. You represent a culture of politics that gets comfortable in their positions and will compromise every area of your lives to achieve your selfish goals. You are only interested in saving your spot in the House so you can retain your lifetime pension, your perks, and money from your lobbyists. The Tea Party despises your kind of politician. They fight to remove people like you from office and it terrifies you. Your public rebukes and hatred for the Tea Party only proves to us that you are frightened of what we are capable of and that is stopping career politicians like you from destroying this Republic. You sir, no longer represent us so we will make sure you and politicians like you are removed from office. Lastly, the very people that you are attacking will fight and die to save this Republic while you and your cronies sit back and squander the People’s money. You sir, are misleading this country and have lost all credibility! 

I am one of the Tea Party and proud of it, 

Dawn Ellen