American Culture and water and oil

Written by Diane Sori on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher's note:  In a few short paragraphs Diane Sori lays out in clear detail the very real encroachment of a group that has declared war on the west, and has been using our own laws against us.  We need to heed this information and the plethora of other readily available and supportive material that abounds.  In case you haven't noticed, 'they' are doling whatever they can in an attempt to silence those of us sounding the alarm by calling the truth "hate speech."

Diane Sori:  Yesterday I posted this picture and it really got me thinking as there is much truth in these numbers beyond their numerical value, for what these numbers indicate is stealth jihad going on right before our eyes.

Now here's a scary thought that we Westerners must's been predicted that if unchecked, by the year 2030, muslims will make up more than one quarter of the world's projected population of 8.3 billion. One-quarter of this entire planet will be muslim in a mere 15 years or so...8.3 billion people will be muslim when in 2010 there were 1.57 billion muslims...and I cannot stress those numbers enough for if that does NOT scare the hell out of you NOTHING will for those numbers alone will assure them victory over their enemies.

And we infidels...we Westerners...we Americans...are their enemy.

And these simple numbers tell you that in time Israel will easily be overrun as will most of Europe for the ever increasing muslim population continues to grow unchecked, and with those sheer numbers alone they will be able to do what all the wars throughout all of muslim history have failed to do...eradicate the infidels without them needing to lift a finger to do so.

In Great Britain alone, almost one in ten people will be muslim by 2030, because of lax immigration policies (one in four immigrants to Great Britain is currently muslim) and sky high muslim birth rates. And this will translate in less than 15 years into Great Britain...America's mother country as some like to say...having more muslims than the entire Arab nation of Kuwait. Scary huh...

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