Inmates desecrate US Flags, earn free weight loss plan

Written by Fox News on . Posted in National News

Publisher's note:  America's Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, sends a clear message to inmates.  Respect America and her flag, or plan on a very lean diet.  

Over three dozen inmates in Maricopa County apparently did not receive the memo regarding not to mess with the Sheriff and decided it would be a good idea to deface and otherwise desecrate the American Flags hanging in their cells.  The penalty for their 'fun' is a seven day diet of bread and water, and an additional ten days for a second offense.

Once again, The Patriots Press salutes "America's Sheriff."  

Fox News:  Dozens of inmates in Arizona jails have been put on a diet of bread and water for desecrating U.S. flags that hang in their cells, Reuters reports.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, of Maricopa County, told the news agency that 38 inmates in six different jails were getting meals of bread and water twice daily – the punishment for destroying government property while in custody.

“These inmates have destroyed the American flag that was placed in their cells. Tearing them, writing on them, stepping on them, throwing them in the toilet, trash or wherever they feel,” Arpaio said in a statement. “It's a disgrace to those who have fought for our country.”

Arpaio said the punishment will last seven days; a second offense would bring 10 additional days of the bread-and-water diet.

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