The Rapture...are you ready?

Written by Doug Miller on . Posted in FAITH

Publisher’s note:  The gentleman that wrote this is a friend who didn’t know I was going to publish it. Except that I asked him who wrote it when I saw it on his Facebook page, I don’t even think he’s aware that I really appreciated his viewpoint on a subject that is near and dear to most Bible believing Followers of Christ.

In very brief, simple terms Doug Miller explains an event that believers expect to occur at some point in the future, and possibly sooner than not.  However the day and hour will be in His timing and only outright charlatans dare to identify that specific moment in time.   

I am honored to share Doug’s heartfelt thoughts on the subject.

Doug Miller:  Christians have known for many years that the Lord Jesus Christ promised He would return for His Church. They are the true believers both in Him, meaning Who He is, the Son of God, and what He has said WILL happen upon the earth after he has taken his Church from it, just before the Great Tribulation. 

The Tribulation has been referred to as the Apocalypse, and it refers to the 7 year period of literally Hell on earth during the reign of anti-Christ

Many Christians have had difficulty trying to explain what the "Rapture" will be like; which is when Jesus calls His Church home with the words "Come up Here.”  It will cause unbelievable distress to happen on the earth.  Think about this for just a minute.

Millions and millions of people will suddenly 'disappear' all over the world.  You may even be among them, if you've trusted your life and soul to the Lord, and acknowledge Him for Who He is; Lord and Savior…God!  

Or you may not.  Picture yourself in a conversation with someone who you know that professes to be a Christian.  When the Lord shouts for His church, (the Rapture) the person you're speaking to may just suddenly be gone, just disappear.  Can you imagine the confusion you would experience?  What happened to him/her?  Where did they go? 

Now, picture that same event repeating itself all over the planet, at the very same moment.  No one knowing what happened.  Did Russia do something, what about the US; are they to blame?  Of course, this is just my opinion as to how people would react; but, confusion will certainly reign supreme!!!

No one will have any answers.  Many people will believe that what their Christian friends, family members, or pastors have been telling them about for years has finally happened, but they thought they were just wacko, so they didn't choose to believe them.  It's not too late for them, but now, it's going to 'cost' to be saved from having to take the 'mark' of the anti-Christ.  The Book of Revelation describes the 'cost' very clearly, as well as the Gospel of Matthew, in particular, chapter 24.  In this chapter, Jesus is the one speaking, specifically about the 'end times' and what life will be like upon the earth during that time.

Point in case; look at how the world has and is reacting to the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Flight #370 on March 8, 2014.  No one knows where it has gone, or where the people are.  My heart goes out to all the families who are left wondering, and not knowing, where their loved ones are.  The whole world is searching for the plane and the people on it.  I pray they find both the people AND the plane, possibly having landed somewhere, but still intact and the people still alive.  The whole world is involved in trying to figure out what happened and where the people and the plane are.

The confusion surrounding the disappearance is the point I'm trying to make.  Now, take that confusion, and multiply it by many MILLIONS of people, i.e. babies, elderly, and otherwise very healthy people, just GONE!!!! We're at a loss over one plane and 239 souls; now magnify that terrible event, for those who are left here, by millions of times.  Pray you're not in a plane with a born again Christian at the controls or in a moving vehicle with a Christian driving when they disappear.

Get my point?  My question is this: which group of people are you going to be with when the Lord calls us home?  The group that's GONE, or will you be 'left' here, wondering WHAT HAPPENED?  ONLY you can answer that question.

Make that eternity changing choice now, while it will cost you nothing.  Jesus paid with His life the price for our Redemption.  He paid the ransom to set us free!  If you aren't sure what I mean, please, read the book of John in God’s Word, the Bible.  He gave us these books because He loves every one of us, and has offered us an escape from the judgment about to come upon the earth.  

Jesus died to save ALL of us; but, we can't get to Heaven 'our' way, there is only ONE way, that's through Jesus Christ.  He said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me.”  These are not my words; I'm just the messenger.

If you want more than what reading will teach you, find a Bible believing church this weekend; better still, tomorrow!  Open your heart to what God wants to show you and tell you.  If that isn't something you think you can do, feel free to contact any Pastor at any Christian Church; or talk to that friend, family member, or even the stranger on the bus with a Bible in his/her hand.  Don’t be afraid, no one will think you’re bothering them.  

I 'SHARE' this because I 'CARE' about every one of you.  No soapbox, just Truth!!!

Doug Miller, 3/21/14