They're line dancing in hell

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

I’m probably going to catch a lot of heat for this little tome, but so be it.  You know that story about the woman in Utah that killed a heavy half dozen of her children that isn’t getting nearly enough notice in the main stream media?  Well, I’ve been doing some thinking about it and naturally I thought I’d share those ponderings. 

The only thing about the Megan Huntsman story that really shocks me is the number of her victims that no one knew about!  Some pretty bizarre facts surround this case; such as no one, not the three grown children living in the house with Megan Huntsman during the events, not one nosey neighbor, not her husband, not even a passing stray dog ever picked up the scent of death?!  No one took notice that not one, not two, or even three, let alone all seven of her babies were missing?!  

I won’t belabor all of the bizarre twists, as the reported story is just too loaded with unanswered questions.  However, what really shocks me is the double standard.

According to the story, there are only six counts of murder, so I’m thinking that one of the babies may have been stillborn.  However, in light of the intense lobby constantly pushing for more 'reproductive/abortion’ rights, including late term and post-partum abortion, which potus is apparently all good withthe question I considered is why is she being charged at all?

In another case that I’ve always considered a very extreme example of post-partum abortion, coming up on 4 years ago, Casey Anthony was acquitted in the death of her 2 year old baby Caylee.  Whatever actually happened to that precious child, we’ll never know, however Casey at very least knows more than was ever divulged.  The bottom line in that case was Caylee was found in a trash bag, like so much garbage, in a wooded area.  God knows the real story, and it’s now between Him and Casey.

Getting back to Megan though; had she visited Planned Parenthood or any other abortion provider, those babies would have been destroyed 'legally’ with no murder charges attached right up to the moments just before or just after any of the births.  The way I see it, she simply eliminated the middleman as it were.  Either way, clinic or kitchen sink, those babies would be no less brutally butchered and dead. 

How is it that the abortion rights camp is silent on this?  Where is it written that the brutality of abortion has to be performed in a clinic?  Was Megan not simply exercising her 'right’ to abort unwanted pregnancies?  In a world where criminal trespassers are called "undocumented immigrants” and drug dealers are treated like "unlicensed pharmacists,” not to mention a Federal Government that has reduced itself to a crime syndicate via events such as Fast and Furious and Benghazi, why is this woman not getting a similar pass?

For real, I do not understand murder charges against this woman when approximately 3500 or so babies in the US meet their maker via abortion providers every single day without earthly penalty.  Does a medical degree or licensing from a state somehow lessen the degree or horror of the carnage?  Was the stuffing of her 'home abortions’ into cardboard boxes and leaving them in the garage any more or less gruesome than the recent heating of hospitals in the UK by incinerating 15,000 or more aborted babies?

Friends, I think you get my point by now.  It’s not so much about the deed, as it is who sanctions it. The silence from both sides of this issue is deafening.  On the left, we have Planned Parenthood, a group with huge taxpayer funding which was founded by racist Margaret Sanger whose intent was the extermination of the “negro” race.

Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry as a whole, if the truth be told of what they do, should be rushing to this woman’s aid since she was doing the same thing they do.  Baby murder is murder no matter who sanctions it or the method used.

On the right, no one that finds abortion, pre or post natal, as abhorrent as I do should be silent.  This entire story lends a lot of credibility to my recent and continuing study of the growing destruction of our youth, whether via abortion right from the start or via the rapidly increasing scourge of pedophilia.  

As I have previously written aboutwe have resorted back to offering our children to molech via their destruction, and I have to believe that he and satan are joining their demons doing the happy dance together in the bowels of hell.