America screwed by potus with a pawn/infantryman

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

These will be my final thoughts and comments on the Bowe Berdahl issue.  On Sunday, I wrote and published my thoughts about the case and what I’ve known about it for years.  Based upon everything I had known and understood during those years, I suggested that he be allowed some time with his family, because up until and during the past 48 hours or so, many of the ‘rumors’ are now being backed up with solid evidence.

I will never cease to be amazed how something like this could occur because the information is NOT new; simply the level of scrutiny and investigation.  

Many questions remain for me.  For starters, why was a thorough investigation not conducted from the very beginning?  While Mr. Bergdahl would still be entitled to his day in court, this could and should have been handled much differently.  That is to say, he absolutely should have been called out as a traitor and deserter the minute it was known without a doubt by our military five years ago, and that should have been made general knowledge so that he could have been arrested if he were released without anyone raising any public eyebrows.  Instead they sent men in to die looking for him?!  I believe no real investigation was conducted for the same reasons our government won’t investigate Benghazi or the many other crimes committed by potus.  The truth does not work with their agenda.  I might add, if he had he been publicly shown to be a traitor, the Taliban would have probably had little use for him and finished him off long ago.

The nature of his release suggests to me it was the plan all along.  No amount of political hyperbole can change this for what it was; they call it a routine “prisoner swap” and it absolutely was not.  A normal prisoner swap is what occurs when two or more sovereign nations get together and trade mostly equally important prisoners.  For example, a couple of years ago, we apprehended two Russian spies operating out of Cambridge, MA…we connected with the Russians and did an even trade; two of theirs for two of ours.  

Clearly, the Taliban, a rogue terrorist group, is not a sovereign nation, and even more clearly, this was very lopsided; one low echelon infantryman, (that we now know our military KNEW all along was a deserter) for five very important and dangerous men?!  Our government knew exactly what they were doing, and they used the treason of an obviously very weak-minded deserter to turn him into their pawn, creating a cloud of confusion and misinformation, so that all fingers would point at him.  Yeah, he is definitely a deserter and a traitor, but he is no more or less so than many at the highest levels of government right up to the Oval Office and its occupant.  This was another case of treason upon treason, with some added treason.

The release of Gitmo prisoners was a declaration to all of our enemies that we will negotiate anytime, anywhere.  They are now free to grab any hostage, military or otherwise, of their choosing off any battlefield, city street, public school, assisted living community, bank lobby, or whatever; then simply state their demands and get what they want.  This administration is hell bent on closing Gitmo…regardless of the carnage that will surely come of it.  It is not a matter of IF these men will do us harm, it is a matter of when, where, and how.

The bottom line is that we have been duped since the very beginning.  The administration has been systematically weakening our armed forces and stacking the high command with men and women that will do its bidding, and removing those that will not.  

Finally, I’m still okay with Mr. Bergdahl being able to see his family, however only from behind a glass prisoner window, and preferably seated next to potus and a number of other members of his administration.