Time for a real leader in the White House again

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and listening lately.  Like most Americans who are observant of the political landscape, I am very concerned about the direction our nation and the world are heading in, because while I really don’t care about myself, I am gravely concerned about my grandchildren and their generation.  

No matter which way one looks, we have created a colossal, chaotic mess, and it is becoming harder and harder to find any good in the world, and for all of the best intentions of a few people here and there, things are getting worse all the time.  In short, as I have said many times before and will continue to say until the day I die. I believe and know in my heart of hearts that there is ultimately only one answer to our problems.  That answer is Jesus, the Christ.

Now, having laid that brief ground work, I have reached an earthbound conclusion.  

My circle of influence is made up of many different people from different walks of life, with different faiths and philosophies.  While most of them are Christian, there are many Jews, agnostics, and others in the mix.  Many of them are uncertain of what is going on, but almost all agree that there is something very other worldly afoot in our nation and the world in general.  Regardless of their given faiths, most astute observers of world conditions agree or at least acknowledge that we are likely witnessing what is generally termed “End Times” prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes on a daily basis.

Okay, while I have a lot of thoughts on that subject, I don’t want to go too far down that rabbit hole, because that’s a story for another day, however, I mention it for a reason.  None of us knows how much time is left.  Could be tomorrow or the next moment, could be hundreds of years from now.  My point today is simply this.  Just as it has been for every generation, it is incumbent upon us to live in the now and do our individual best to make our lives and those of our children as decent as possible in every area while we are waiting for His plans to unfold.  

My friends, I think everyone can agree that we as a nation are in a very bad place, on every level.  While time and space do not permit me going into all the details, the focus here is on our lack of leadership and what I think we can do about it….at least at the highest levels of government.

For my money, we have not had a real ‘top of the heap’ conservative leader since Ronald Reagan.  Love Reagan or not, there is no denying that he had and applied a lot of good, old fashioned, common sense and was a real leader that did what he knew was right for America, and followed the law, regardless of the shifting winds of public opinion.  

Here we are, a generation after his administration and we have arrived at what I believe is the point of no return, final crossroads of our history as a nation.  At a time when we are desperately in need of another strong leader like Reagan, the behind the scenes power brokers are yet again trying to force men like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie down our collective throats…men who long ago abandoned the conservative base.  The base of men and women who believe as I do that we must return to the vision of our Founding Fathers.

Thankfully, by the Grace of God, I believe we have this generation’s Reagan in our midst right now.  He is a well-known commodity and possesses exactly what we need in the areas of leadership, guts, common sense, vison, and the ability to instill fear and respect in our enemies…the kind of fear that Ronald Reagan instilled even before he took the oath of office, which resulted in the Iran hostage crisis ending on that very day!

Is today’s man perfect?  Far from it.  Has he done some things I don’t agree with?  You bet. But, just like Reagan back then who also wasn’t perfect, ask me if I think there is a more qualified individual, ask me if I know of any other leader that loves America as much, or if there’s anyone more prepared to take that 3:00 am call.  Ask me if there’s anyone else I’d rather be in a foxhole with when all hell breaks loose, or if I know of another leader that I would entrust the safety of my grandchildren to, and the answer is a flat out, NO.  

Here’s why.  A number of years ago, the guy I’m talking about did something very unique and special on a battlefield. His unit had captured what is politely referred to these days as an “insurgent.”  This insurgent had Intel about an imminent attack on the unit, and all of the normal interrogation techniques up to that point had failed.  So, as the highest ranking officer in the immediate vicinity, the guy I’m talking about, stood up and said something like, “…let me give it a try.”  

According to the way I’ve heard the story, that ranking officer and the insurgent took a walk outside to visit an **empty 55 gallon drum, which are commonly used to extinguish cigarettes and such, and also used occasionally, certainly in this case, as 'discharge’ barrels to expend troublesome rounds or otherwise jammed weapons.  

During this particular walk, the insurgent was 'given’ the opportunity to inspect the inside of that drum while our man cleared one 'jammed’ round from his sidearm somewhere near the insurgent’s head.  Suddenly our boys knew every detail about the imminent attack, because that insurgent who maybe wound up with a sudden case of tinnitus and possibly got a little powder residue on his beard, spilled his guts.  

** The drums are pitched about a 45 degree angle and have enough sand at the bottom to trap even the most powerful sidearm round.  

Did our man break the rules?  Yup!  Did the insurgent probably have a major headache for a while?  Yup!   

However, more importantly to me and anyone with more than two brain cells is this question. Did Colonel Allen West have to face even one of the family members of the men in his charge and say something like, “….I’m sorry for your loss, but I had to follow protocol and ROE to cover my butt?!”  No, he didn’t.  Every one of his men went home to their families to enjoy the joys and tears of life.

And that is where the rubber meets the road.  Allen West knew very well that what he was going to do was breaking all the rules, but he put his career on the line without a second thought to protect his men, and he did it so that he didn’t have to apologize and wipe away any tears of sadness.  He was forced to resign his commission and pay a hefty fine; however, he could and still can hold his head high.  That’s what real leaders do.

I believe that Allen West would do the same thing from the Oval Office to protect all of our families.  To be honest, since, as I mentioned above, I recognize that mankind is only good at creating problems…not correcting them, I really don’t believe it’s possible for any man or woman to fix our nation or the world for that matter, and of course I don’t know what our Lord has in mind for our future.  However, I do believe that if there is any chance at all to right this ship called America, even temporarily, so that as I said above, we can “…live in the now and do our individual best to make our lives as decent as possible,” Allen West, along with the right team to include people like General Gerry Boykin, Trey Gowdy, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, and a host of others, is the only guy that can give us that chance. 

It will be the toughest job any man/woman/team has ever had to do in the history of our nation, if not the history of the world.  Not only does the need exist for an immediate and complete change in the way the business of America is conducted, the next POTUS and team, along with a cooperative combined Congress, must have a serious look back and reverse a number of the major blunders of the current and past several administrations.  Simply put, our severely damaged foundation needs to be shored up before adding anything else to the pile.

The major issues are well known, but I’ll list a few of the really critical ones.  

First and foremost, we must return to our Christian roots and be guided by them, because without renewing our moral compass found therein, everything else is doomed to failure.  We simultaneously must stop and eradicate the already set in place islamization of America.  

We need a very high concrete wall, not a fence, on our southern border, and we need to stop and reverse any forms of amnesty for illegals.  

We need to unplug and reverse the ACA and allow the marketplace to correct itself.  

Our ever increasing debt is not sustainable or payable and that has to be addressed.  

Our military has been neutered and drastically weakened to levels not seen since the Carter Administration, and our VA system remains a disgrace.  

Gitmo not only needs to remain open, we need to round up those we’ve released and a lot more, before they do what we all know they’re planning on doing.  

Since I mentioned Gitmo, we will need to hit the brakes on any 'normalization’ of relations with Cuba committed by the current administration.  

Additionally, while we are enjoying lower prices at the pumps as I write this, the reality is that we still remain dependent upon foreign energy, and we need to get serious about tapping and refining our own resources.  

As far as the so called “racial divide,” we need to start arresting the race baiting inciters like Al Sharpton.  

Everything I’ve just mentioned are National Security issues, and while there are many more I don’t have space to mention, national defense is the single most important job of the Federal Government.  We need to get back to the Federal Government doing only that and not attempting to micro-manage every other facet of daily life.

So now I will simply put it out there.  Congressman West, I hate to impose upon you and your family and I hope you’ll pardon my bold intrusion, however, I think I’ve painted a very accurate picture of the bleak condition our nation finds itself in, and we are in desperate need of a God fearing, common sense leader that can lead us back to the vision our Founders had in mind.  

We need a strong man of faith who would lead us like Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Won’t you please step up and embrace your destiny?  I don’t want to see you as part of anyone else’s team….let some of them be part of your team, the West Team.

We the People desperately need a man like you at the helm.