Hate speech...a liberal term for Truth speech

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Op-Ed

Because I’m very open about plainly expressing my thoughts on these pages, I have my share of detractors, and I normally simply take it on the chin without getting fazed by comments while thanking the reader for their participation.  

However, one particular reader was very upset and reached out to me as a result of my recent article titled “Enough is enough”, and among other things accused me of “hate speech.”  I believe the use of that term deserves a public response.  

First of all, in the name of tolerance, the term “hate speech” and its usual partner “islamophobia” were coined by a very leftist media to be launched against anyone, usually of a conservative mindset, who dares offer the truth against any of their myriad of destructive agendas.  The terms have also been bandied about by other groups to support their own special agendas and distortions.  I’m really amazed at how many people actually try to get away with the whole “hate speech/islamophobia” nonsense and even more surprised at how many back down when the terms are hurled at them.  As you’ll see below, I’ve offered what I consider real “hate speech.”

Just for a moment though, let me return to the commentary I received and what caused it.  Was my “Enough is enough” article harsh?  To some, I’m sure it was, but I dare say not as harsh as burning that Jordanian Pilot alive or countless other atrocities.  Did it point a finger and ruffle some feathers? You bet it did.  Was it true and to the point?  Again, yes it was.

And here is the only place where I’ll soften things just a bit for any that may be offended by my remarks in that article.  For the most part, I separate islam from muslims in my thinking.  That is to say, I don’t have a problem with individual muslims.  I know many of them and I love them, including those in my extended family.  But I do have a problem with the predominant teachings of islam which cause the sort of savagery we are fed a daily dose of in the news, and have witnessed since its inception 1400 years ago, whereby a large number of the practitioners behave as directed by and like the “perfect man.”  

I know that a lot of people, both muslim and infidel, don’t like to hear it or recognize it, and this may get an even bigger target painted on my back, however it is a matter of historical fact that “the prophet” mohammed was not a very nice guy.  In fact, were he alive today behaving as he did, he would be hunted down as was osama bin laden.  Look him up!  

For openers, only God knows the exact number of those he personally murdered or had murdered, or what the exact tally of his looted plunder was.  No one likes to point to his pedophilia either…whoops, I’m sorry, maybe some of you hadn’t heard that a fifty something year old mohammed married Aisha when she was only 6 years of age and he consummated that union three years later when she was still a pre-pubescent 9 year old.  Does anyone question or challenge the truth of those statements, or is this just more “hate speech” from David?  

As a side note, I totally understand how an individual born into islam would accept it without questioning it much, although countless thousands do question and abandon it daily at their own peril; however, I’m dumbfounded as to how many otherwise very intelligent western adults find themselves sucked into it after even a minimum of fact checking.  That is to say, the reality of islam is not a hidden secret and simple enough for a child in grade school to figure out. 

Having said all that, no one that knows me believes for a second that I think all muslims are murderous terrorists.  However, therein exists a major problem for me as I’ll explain.  

We hear it over and over again that the vast majority of muslims are peace loving citizens who just want to mind their own business and lead their private lives, and I so want to believe that. However, it is estimated that somewhere between 7% and 25% of muslims worldwide are of the mindset to commit the heinous acts we see unfold daily.  Let me take a moment and put some hard numbers to those percentages.  Given that the worldwide population of muslims is said to be somewhere around 1.6 billion, that means there are between 112M and 400M worldwide who are hell bent on spilling the blood of not only “infidels” but also other muslims who are apparently not muslim enough by virtue that they aren’t willing to slice open any throat they see fit to.  Frankly, I don’t like the odds, which leads me to my, nagging, lingering thought.

If the numbers above are true, the following would and should apply.  On the low side with 7% bad guys, there should be roughly 1.5B good guys, and on the high side of 25% bad guys there should be 1.2B of peaceful muslims who could and should be able to crush the bastards that are chopping off people’s heads, crashing airplanes into buildings, burning cars in France, murdering Christians and Jews at an alarming rate all over Africa and elsewhere, bombing busses, plotting the destruction of the West, operating as many as 22 jihadi camps in the US, and now burning people alive in cages while chanting “allahu akbar.”  What I’m getting at is that all of the peaceful muslims should be overwhelming the bad muslims by anywhere from a 93/7 to 75/25 ratio.  I guarantee you that if any Christians were behaving like the terrorists, the overwhelming majority of us Christians would have rounded them up and stopped them long ago.  By the way, any claims that there are less than 7% are first of all ludicrous, and secondly would serve to back up my point even further as to how easy it should be for the good guys to stop them once and for all. 

However, by not standing against them as described above, all of you render yourselves as irrelevant as the majority of peace loving Germans when the nazis took control of Germany, or any of the countless other times in history when “peaceful” majorities stood by and did nothing while evil minorities took over the local landscape.

So there you go…here’s my challenge.  Instead of accusing guys like me of “hate speech” when we speak the truth and ignore the real “hate speech” of crashing planes into buildings, beheading innocent people, splashing acid into the faces of women who dare break some element of your laws, and all the other atrocities committed by muslims in the name of “allah,” try meeting us in the middle.  Put your collective feet down and crush the bad guys….and by crush, I don’t mean one or two of you debating some talking head on Fox News or MSNBC about it…I mean annihilate them by any other means besides beheading or burning, because that is just unspeakable.  

You could start with disbanding and executing en mas the members or at very least the leadership of the muslim brotherhood, al quada, isis, the taliban, hezbollah, boco haram, cair, (which is nothing but a front group for all of them) and any other groups that fall under the category of terrorist.  Maybe you could make it your business to rout out the jihadi training camps spread all around America?!   How come you allow groups like these to get away with their violence?  Why aren’t you doing anything about recruitment videos like this?

How come whenever two or three, maybe dozens, or even thousands of “them” are planning an event of terror or simply decide to march down a public street somewhere screaming fanatically about islamic domination while threatening all manner of mayhem, a 100 times that number of “you” don’t show up to stop them?!  Maybe you should consider that when a Christian group shows up at a “public” event in Dearborn or elsewhere that “you” stand up against those that hurl insults, rocks, and bottles at them while the police do nothing?!  

If you don’t know about such plans in advance….certainly you become aware of who the responsible parties are after the fact and you could take it upon yourselves to overwhelm and eliminate them or punish them so severely within your community that none of them would dare try it again. 

And another thing, your sharia law is not compatible with US Law, nor that of any other civilized country where human rights are respected and revered.  In a word, it sucks.  So leave it back in the Stone Age where it belongs, thank you very much.  

To wrap this up, until you who profess to be peace loving take drastic steps to stop those who commit unspeakable, demonic acts in the name of your religion/ideology, stop whining and accusing guys like me who simply bring it to light, of “hate speech” or “islamophobia,” or any other nonsense you might come up with.   

Or more simply….PUT UP OR SHUT UP!  I speak for many across America and others in the West when I say we’re all just about sick of listening to you.