Dr. Villar has some questions...

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Guest Articles

Publisher’s note:  Dr. Luis Villar is an amazing guy.  Not satisfied with just being a very brilliant, successful, and sought after Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Villar is also an engineer, inventor, accomplished pilot, and curator of his own aviation museum.  

Very recently, he composed a brief piece which asks several thought provoking questions.  I am honored that he has allowed me to share it with my readers. 

Luis F. Villar, M.D., F.A.C.S.:  Is a treaty with Iran surrender to the acceptance of a nuclear terrorist nation?

Does Iran need peaceful nuclear power for energy?  Is Iran the number one exporter of terrorism?  Does Iran have territorial ambitions in Iraq and Yemen? Does Iran have the stated goal of wiping Israel off the map?  Does Iran have the stated goal of destroying infidel Western Civilization?  Would a nuclear Iran trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East?

Are 45% of Iranians under 24 years old?  Do millions of Iranian youth surf the web, love rock n roll, love western jeans, rebel against their parents, and wish to be free to follow their dreams? Do many of these occasionally take to the streets to protest, facing imprisonment, torture, and death?

Does Sharia law have a doctrine of “taqiyya” (deceit)?  Does taqiyya limit treaties to ten years? Does the doctrine of deceit allow treaties to be repudiated unilaterally before they expire, should it appear more profitable for Islam to resume the conflict?  Is it naïve to trust any entity practicing Sharia Law “taqiyya”?

Are there two clocks running in Iran, the atomic bomb clock and the regime change clock? Does easing sanctions strengthen the ruling class, better enabling them to suppress the rebellious youth, finance and export terrorism, and secretly accelerate the bomb? 

Has there ever been a nuclear treaty that wasn’t violated?  Has there ever been an inspection program that was successful in discovering illegal nuclear weapons production?  Should we have any confidence that Iran will be the first?

Do strict sanctions, no matter how imperfect, accelerate the regime change clock?  Do constantly delayed negotiations with eased sanctions to show good faith, accelerate the atomic bomb clock?  Does a “deal” for the sake of a deal enhance the safety of Western Civilization?