A Candidate And Her Enemies...

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in Politics

Belinda Keiser is doing well, and I can prove it.  Before I sat down with her, I learned that she has made lots of friends, and she has also made some potent enemies; the kind of enemies that spew lots of half-truths and flat out lies.  As Sir Winston Churchill said, “You have enemies?  Good.  That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”  Good job Belinda.

There are mailers claiming she’s weak on immigration, and that she doesn’t live in the 25th District where she's running, that she owns property in Broward County, and all sorts of things to paint her in a bad light.  I imagine that if I were running against her and didn’t really have anything going for me, I’d do some of the same stuff.  I’d probably dig up anything that people might believe and that sounds plausible, because even if it is all nonsense, it’s out there and all the retractions and apologies in the world can’t change that people heard and believe the nonsense.

So what to do in the face of all that…?!  She could spend time and resources going after the perpetrator(s) of such nonsense; but she isn’t wasting a moment on it.  Instead, she is getting out there and meeting with the people in the district, talking about what’s important to them and how she plans on addressing their concerns.  She explains her qualifications and successes; how while she has lived in other areas, her business interests, (not the least of which is a major and growing University) have her firmly rooted in the district.  She owned a property there where she was a caretaker for her father.

They spit out the very real fact that she once ran for office as a Democrat but became a Republican.  Maybe I’m the only one who bothered to ask her why; however, her answer is simple and straight forward enough.  Raised in the north of Florida where the borders to our northern neighbors are as fuzzy as a Georgia Peach, she was what was once referred to as a “Dixie-Crat”  Those were Democrats who actually loved America and what she stands for; the type who understood what the Founders had in mind.  The type of right thinking Democrats who were around before the entire party got hijacked by a lunatic fringe, left wing, anti-American ideology.

So yeah, she was #walkaway before it was cool.  Make no mistake, she didn’t leave the party, the party left her and countless others.

If you want to learn the truth about Belinda, don’t listen to the nonsense, listen to what she says, visit her website, stop by the Port St. Lucie Civic Center this Friday, 8/17/18 from 5:00 – 7:30. 

But do your own research and get educated; don’t believe the “fake news.”  #MAGA