His Name Is Flowing Oil

Written by David DiCrescenzo on . Posted in FAITH

Back in the beginning of the summer I heard about something very interesting happening up in Dalton, GA and it was one of those things that just sort of attached itself to my brain and I couldn’t let it go.  I tried calling and a bunch of other attempts at contact to gain more information to no avail.

So about two months ago I got a very strong feeling that I had to visit.  Not just curiosity either.  This was more like something from on High telling me to go up there and check it out.  At first I fought it because, what the heck, I live in West Palm Beach, FL and Dalton is as far to the NW of GA as one can get before entering TN.  But the calling to visit would not leave me, so I checked their very static website for a good day to visit and decided to drive up there and check it out.

For a little background, I had heard that there was a man name Jerry who owned a Bible; nothing special about that really, except that it began to do something that can only be described as otherworldly on January 27, 2017.  Defying explanation, this Bible starting oozing some sort of very clear, very thin oil, and lots of it.  So much in fact that they now keep it in a Tupperware container like any of us can get at Walmart.  So much that they regularly ladle it out and fill tiny vials with it which they give to anyone who wants one.

With that background you can understand why I was more than a little skeptical.  I might add that I had already decided that if anything about what I found gave me the willies, I was going to get as far away as fast as I could.  But my skepticism changed very quickly upon arrival.  First of all, have you ever been to Dalton, GA..?!  Except for the cars and a few modern looking buildings, the downtown area looks as if it hasn’t changed a whole lot since the Civil War.  Just a very sleepy, welcoming town.

I arrived a couple of hours before the morning’s event at the former Wink Theater, now the Brotherhood Church and grabbed a quick breakfast at a local diner across the street that was so relaxed I almost expected to see “Aunt Bee” from the Andy Griffith show walk out of the kitchen. 

Anyway, I entered the Wink Theater about an hour early and had a good chance to look around and chat with some of the locals, including the man who owns the Bible.  Just a regular guy who seems to know and get along with everyone.  So I asked him about the oil and the Bible.  All he or anyone knows is that his Bible started to ooze this oil back in 2017 and has not stopped since; although it does slowdown from time to time.  They have had it checked by several independent laboratories and they all said the same basic thing.  It is some kind of thin, colorless, odorless oil but they have no idea beyond that.

And oh, by the way, as if that isn’t crazy enough, every so often, they find a small nugget of silver in the bottom of the bin which has also been examined and found to be raw silver ore.  To date, seventy pieces of the precious metal have appeared in the bin with the oil.

Anyway, after the room filled up almost to capacity, it started off like a regular Sunday Church service with Worship Music, and then there was a very brief “sermon” which was really an introduction of what was happening and then we heard testimonies of what has taken place in many of the lives of those in attendance who have had the chance to be anointed with this oil.  I heard everything from miraculous cancer cures and formerly crippled people now walking to healed marriages and lots of other amazing things.

Is this a sign from Heaven..?  I don’t know because I’m certainly not an expert on such matters, as if anyone really can be; but I do know what I saw, heard and felt.  There was something very special in that room.  If ever I have felt at peace and the presence of the Holy Spirit, I felt it that day in that room.  I had to leave, but I surely did not want to.

One final note, when I mentioned this at a church group that I attend, all but a few of them asked me to anoint them with the oil; so I did as I prayed over them for whatever they need.  Before I left my group, a woman around my age who I hadn’t met approached me and told me that she remembers when she was very young that people from her area used to make special trips up to Dalton, GA for healings that she never really understood and that certainly took my breath away. 

I imagine the scoffers will say that this is a bunch of nonsense and that’s okay, however everyone in that place believes it and so do I.  One thing is for sure and that is something very good and not of this world is taking place up there and I cannot wait to return. 

Albeit I plan on flying up the next time.

To learn more about when you can visit or when they might be near your area, visit their website by CLICKING HERE.