
Florida Primary is August 14th - VOTE!

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

VOTEI really like the fact that the Olympics and the Primary Election in Florida are so close together.  I hope while we build American pride with our team spirit and athletes we motivate a few couch potatoes to get out and vote at the very least.  Of course for those of us already out there volunteering, we are still knocking doors and at times getting that 'deer in the headlights' look when we mention the date August 14th in Florida it can be a little mind boggling.  Yes, there is a primary election, one might have heard about it, but well not everyone has heard the call.


Not sure the rock under which some hide, but there are still registered republican voters who have walked right into the polls without a single bit of research on the candidates for whom they cast a vote.  I often wonder how do they select?  Names they like, signs they see as they drive into the parking lot or is there more eenie meenie miney moe going on than we all think in that voting booth.  If I am on a rant it's because I realize how precious the right to vote is for Americans and the price paid for us to have this right, so I want at least a little effort on the part of the voter in selecting a candidate.  I'd like to say I am grateful for those who call and run down their ballot with me over the phone, and I am honored to have their respect and trust, at least they made the effort to fill it out in advance.  Of course maybe the average voter is suffering from campaign fatigue and can't bear another minute of television ads.  It's a bit like hurricane fatigue, but you get it from incessant mailers and robocalls.


Whatever you decide I will always say that voting is better than not voting that is a given, but please take a moment to care about the selection.  Vote smart, and if you are a republican voting in an upside down district your primary selection will face a general election.  Take a moment to look at the bigger picture.  Also get to know your candidates, they want to know you and if they don't then perhaps you need to reconsider that selection immediately.  In the end just vote please, and republicans you have a party office somewhere in your area where information and assistance is always available.  So absentee, early or election day GET OUT THE VOTE!