
Elections Require Your Participation

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

I just finished skimming through the Constitution.  I get it out from time to time and read through just to remind myself that we have a wonderful and rich set of rules for America.  Rules that create a sense of Liberty and establish freedom from a government that would intrude too much into our daily lives without it.


I hear a great deal these days about how our Constitution is no longer respected or followed and that the further we get from following its basic principles, and from applying them to our legislative process we seem doomed to fail.  If this be the case and if things are as critical as we believe, then get behind the Romney-Ryan ticket and VOTE and make sure that we turn the tide by winning what is surely the most critical election of our time.  Don't just complain and don't just say it is critical; get out there with the American spirit and make it happen.


Talk to everyone you meet, ask them if they are registered to vote and help them understand if the answer is no why it is important.  Arm yourself with facts and not just our side of the story but understand the talking points from the other side.  You have to be able to support the truth and dispel the false rhetoric.  If you do not understand what your opponent is telling the voters, how are you going to fight back and win the debate?  It is going to take a well informed, educated and civil debate to convince others why the conservative way is the better way.


As a reminder there are people all over this country who are NOT registered to vote.  Find these like-minded individuals and get them registered to vote; we are going to need every possible person.  If they are not on board do everything you can to inform them of the truth about where we stand as a nation.  And, understand that the Left is working hard to do the same, we just need to work harder.  If you need a little motivation, take a look at your children or grandchildren and imagine the future.  Imagine that you didn't do everything you could to keep America strong.