Anti-Colonialism 101

Written by Josie Weeks-Elliott on . Posted in Guest Articles

Unless you have been to see the movie ‘2016: Obama's America’ recently, or have read the book, the term "Anti Colonialism" may be a term you are not familiar with, or even understand. To the general American public, it is virtually unheard of. I did not hear of it until recently, and when polling several of my friends, they were not familiar with it either. At this point, I decided that it was time to make sure I could educate as many people as possible on what it means, and how it is applied to the Obama Administration’s handling of public affairs.

It is rather self-explanatory in and of itself, meaning against colonizing.  America began as a colony of English men and women searching to escape the British.  They were successful in that effort by winning the Revolutionary War.  That is how we started, and grew into the greatest country in the history of the world. In doing this, and in our expansions into new territories over the years, we became very successful, and a very rich country.  By global standards, even the poorest Americans are rich in comparison to other nations.

According to Dinesh D'Souza the term "anti-colonial" is a term that is used around the world. It is the way that this movement and ideology have been described over many years. He goes on the say that "Anti-colonialism is the most powerful political force in the non-Western world in the past 100 years.” He also adds that, “Moreover, anti-colonialism has been exported to the United States - it arrived here as a consequence of America's close involvement in the last and bloodiest of the anti-colonial wars, the Vietnam War. 

Consequently, anti-colonialism is now embedded within Western Liberalism, and you can learn its main principles at most leading colleges and universities."  Now that is scary; is it a concept that is taught, or indoctrination?

There are 3 basic components to anti-colonialism. The first component is a believed "theft". First it was Europe, who invaded weaker countries and took their natural resources, processed them, and sold them back to the original countries at higher prices.   Basically, eastern countries feel as if they have been robbed, and the countries that have profited off them, capitalized on their resources. Pretty much comparing them to crooks with no credible means of wealth. They feel the wealth does not belong to them, and they only got it by invading, occupying, and looting poorer countries.

The second principle to anti-colonialism is that they continue to be exploited well after the colonizing powers return home. D'Souza explains that this type of exploitation is called "neo-colonialism."  He takes an excerpt from Kwame Nkrumah's book "Neo-colonialism", and explains that economic exploitation outlasts political exploitation, with former colonial powers continuing their economic piracy on their former colonies.

Basically, what they are saying is the economy remains powerful in the richer countries, in regards to banks, insurance companies, drug manufacturers, and oil companies that steal and further exploit the poor people, inside their own countries and around the world.  Anti-Colonialism wants that (perceived to be) stolen money redistributed all around the world.

The third principle to anti-colonialism is that Europe was replaced by America as the great evil that invades, and now steals from poorer countries, as we now have become the "Super Power" of the world. They now see us as the main "criminals" of this global thievery.  No wonder we are so hated among other nations. 

Anti-Colonialists believe the only way to remedy this situation is to revolt. They believe it completely ruins relationships, institutions, and corrupt men on both sides of the equation. 

The policy of the anti-colonialism is a massive program of global reparations.  They want the rich people to pay up, so that the poor people can improve their living conditions.  Their definition of rich, however, is not a local definition, but rather a global definition.  

In America, we know that someone who is making less than 20 grand a year is dirt poor, and normally qualifies for any government assistance they ask for, but on global standards, even these people are abundantly rich.  Not only do they want global redistribution of wealth, they also want global redistribution of power.

Now, I know it can't be just me that sees this as exactly President Obama's frame of mind in his current running of government. It is the only theory that makes 100% sense of the madness.  Not only is he hitting up the most wealthy people in our country, and demanding that they pay more in taxes (to help spread the wealth), he also is making drastic cuts to our military.  He is working to cut back our nuclear war heads so that the world has a more equal playing ground and weakening our national defense. Meanwhile, Iran is busy building its own nuclear system, which happens to be a threat to the entire world, and all the U.N. or America wants to do is impose sanctions against them that are not working. 

He has reduced our nuclear arsenal from 3,000 down to 1,500, with plans to further reduce us to 300 in the future.  In essence, President Obama is stripping us of our super power status, running up our national debt, like a credit card with no limit, to ruin us with our economic downfall, of which it is doubtful we would ever be able to recover, and in the process bringing us "haughty Americans" back in line with the rest of the world, including the third world countries, who only dream of having the type of possessions, homes, vehicles, healthcare, and democracy we have been so fortunate to have for over 200 years.

Yes, the choice in this election has never been clearer.  We can choose to keep America, and bring in some R&R, (Romney/Ryan) to help revive our drowning economy.  We can choose to believe in a man who has built so many companies, and who knows what it takes to bring us back to the forefront of the world economy.  Or, we can continue to leave the current administration in place that will have our country unrecognizable in 4 more years. The choice is up to you America. May God continue to bless us and keep us in all of our ways.


Publisher’s note:  Josie Weeks-Elliott is a true patriot, a strong conservative, and she is fully engaged in the fight to restore our nation and way of life as our founders envisioned.  The Patriots Press is proud to welcome her as a contributing editorialist.