
Remembering Steve Jobs and the American Dream

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the passing of Apple's then CEO, Steve Jobs.  While you may think with the general election date so close, why am I writing about Steve Jobs instead of politics?  Simple, I am giving tribute not only to Mr. Jobs and his contributions to American Exceptionalism, but also to the case of why now is the time for Mitt Romney.


Many of you know the story of Apple and its humble beginnings where Jobs was a co-founder, but did you know he left the organization in 1985 and made great contributions to companies such as Pixar Animation Studios and Disney.  He returned around 1996 to a company almost on the verge of collapse and through his visionary leadership as CEO he turned Apple, Inc. around and once again in 1998 the company began to thrive.  We all know the story from there with the letter 'i' in front of pod, phone, pad and a line of computers that many of use each day to deliver our own sense of entrepreneurship.  We lost a man of great business leadership and one who truly lived the American dream on October 5, 2011.


As I pondered today this one-year anniversary, I thought about why Americans such as Steve Jobs represent so much to so many.  It is because we live in a nation that was founded on capitalism and the opportunity for the American dream.  While we may not all reach the same levels of success if you base it solely on fame and fortune, we all have this great opportunity as Americans to pursue a life and to go venture into our own creation of business success.  And, sometimes that comes in the form of taking a failing dream and turning it around.


Mitt Romney spent a career of creating companies and jobs, while turning around losing propositions with his leadership and insight to make them once again profitable.  Our country has faced some of the most strenuous economic times, and we cannot afford another four years of economic and business inexperience.  We need the guy who has the proven abilities to turn it around and make it what it once was, a nation respected for its leadership in both domestic and global economies.  It is time for America to have a new president, a CEO if you will, to lead and not apologize or blame someone else.  We need a president who will inspire us with the vision and confidence that we can make this nation profitable again.


Thanks Steve Jobs for all you contributed as a visionary in the world of technology, for the jobs your created, for the products I use each day that allow me to be productive and profitable.  Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail that paid off, and for living the American dream.  In November I believe we have an opportunity to bring back that type of business leadership and vision to the White House with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.


'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.'  (Wayne Gretzky)

In tribute to Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011)