
Conservative Women Ignite Politics in 2012

Written by Starla Brown on . Posted in Blog

It isn’t unusual for me to listen to music while working, and recently a song by Adele made me stop and think about the words Set Fire to the Rain. I thought about how well that described the growing number of women in my life who make up my circle of political friends.  In their daily lives they manage their homes, jobs and family while running for office, serving in leadership roles in political organizations, campaigning for republicans, and moving the conservative cause forward.  These amazing women inspire me:  they write, they protest, they make the election process work, and they think freely without hesitation.  And, lately they have defended their politics against this so-called war on women.

     The Democratic Party would have us believe the Republican Party is waging a real war on its female members, and that we are non-thinkers, programmed and unable to make decisions, that we are somehow enslaved politically to ideologies that are against women and their right to free thought.  If I were to ask the conservative women in my life, does that describe you, I am certain the answer would be a resounding no. 

     During an election year I am an insomniac, but I never feel alone because the 3:00 a.m. crowd is filled with late night revelers, all are my girlfriends, virtual sisters in this quest to restore America to the exceptional nation we once knew.  And, the Left should never underestimate the power of women whose motivation is there way of life and preserving America for the next generation, our children and grandchildren. 

     Let me describe for you the conservative woman in politics:  she is tenacious and determined, she is often up well before the dawn already working on the days’ message and she is not timid with her words.  She requires little or no sleep, and her army is far better organized than those who would have her believe she is an empty product of her politics. She can stand alone on an issue, and never feel alone because she knows the conservative women in America are always there for her.  She is a leader, not a follower and that is where the Democrats have failed to understand her role in politics. 

     While liberal progressive women have worked for decades to convince conservative women we are somehow at the mercy of our values, they do not understand we represent those values and are not enslaved by them, but rather embrace them.  Recently while volunteering in the Florida presidential primary I was asked if I understood my candidate’s stance on women and their rights.  When I said, yes and that I shared the same stance, he was amazed as a woman in politics I could support my own oppression.  I respectfully responded with a war on words, defending my right as a woman to choose, and so what if I choose to embrace conservatism?  I am not less; I am substantively more for doing so. 

     I have enjoyed a reasonable amount of success in life and never felt subjugated by my principles or politics.  I like being a woman, comfortable with a door opened for me, supporting men in leadership roles isn’t a problem and if there are more men than women in congress well that isn’t keeping me up nights.  Conservative, politically motivated women are not fighting a gender war they are fighting to keep America safe, strong and prosperous.  And, I am certain that men in politics recognize our impact, very certain.  So ladies stay up late, get up early and if there is a political war, let it be in our time… we are making 2012 our battleground, igniting the conservative cause and winning.