
Introducing Bethany Bowra

Written by Bethany Bowra on . Posted in Staff Op-Eds

I first got involved in politics after the 2008 election.  I saw how the youth blindly followed Obama’s message of “hope and change” and I felt the need to do something that could show other young people that the change they had been promised and the change they would receive were two very different outcomes.  I read about current events for two years before actually beginning my own blog, Next Generation Voters, and since then have written for many media outlets and worked on numerous campaigns.  I’ve had the opportunity to meet elected officials who have only encouraged my desire to get further involved.

I’m involved in politics because I believe our future is at stake in the next election.  If we continue down the path of destructive socialist policies Obama is implementing, America as we know it will disappear.  I believe we must replace the current administration with one that recognizes the freedom we were founded on and its crucial role in maintaining a free country.  Regardless of the fact that I can’t vote this year, I believe that every voice does make a difference.  We cannot win this year without the help of volunteers around the country, no matter their age.  If we don’t reverse the dangerous freedom-stealing policies that are in place very soon, it will be too late.  The risk is too great to ignore and not get involved.


Publisher's note.  We could not be more pleased to have this very bright young woman join our team, and we look forward to her insights and perspectives. 

David DiCrescenzo