
And the Survey Says... Number One Answer: Mitt Romney

Written by Starla M. Brown on . Posted in Blog

Today instead of my usual run from the area code of robocalls and a brief-moment-of-your-time surveys, I decided to answer the call and dive right into the questions.  Although I was promised it would be a short survey, there were quite a few questions from the recorded voice on the other end of the line.  I will give her a 9 on the scale of 1 to 9 in pleasantries.


The survey was conducted and paid for by Americans for 'something' and I truly was unfamiliar with the organization, however my curiosity is high today and I wondered just what are campaigns wanting to know about me?  First and foremost who am I supporting for president - easy Mitt Romney, no brainer there.  But then the pleasant voice needed to know if I were voting today who would I vote for and on a scale of 1 to 9 how strongly do I support Mitt Romney.  I guess they need to be sure that I am sure about what I am sure about.  So far so good, I have a solid answer.


The next question was down the ticket and again I had an answer and a solid vote was established.  Now here come the demographics because it matters little who I am voting for unless you can somehow speculate why.  Are you a Republican, a Democrat or "something else"?  I worry about that something else part because I think they like to be called Independents.  I am so glad she has that pleasant voice while she offends the NPA voters.  Other parties have names and are not Independents, but keep in mind it is a brief survey.


We then moved into much more personal territory like race, religion, gender and age.  There were lots of choices, but I didn't stray off into any fun and games.  I am taking this seriously and I want to be sure I don't alarm some bright young person crunching data on the other end with a "how can this be?" moment should I start hitting random numbers for answers.  Kindly they are not specific on your age, you just put yourself in a category that probably is better at establishing the music you listen to than how you vote.


Religion was interesting because we seem to have so many categories now and just to be sure they need to know how often you attend.   See you can't just be of a certain faith, the survey needs to know if you are all in or just slightly Evangelical, Protestant, Jewish, Catholic, etc.  If you don't actually attend you have to let them know.  Why?  I am guessing there is a category of unlikely Evangelicals who might be likely to change their faith between now and November and join the something else party and still vote for Mitt Romney.  Why?  Because unless on a scale of 1 to 9 you have been a 1 living under a rock the past 4 years you know that know matter which American you label yourself as these days, Obama is not the answer to any question.

Craig Henne

Written by Craig Henne on . Posted in Blog

Craig Henne is from the NYC area and was born in the 40s.  He was a liberal until around halfway through the Carter Administration, when came to his senses, voted for Reagan, and never looked back.

He has a background in theater, TV, films and stand up comedy, and has been part of conservative talk radio since the early 80s and beginning his own AM radio show about 17 months ago.

When asked, Henne stated, “In mid March, I was told my show was no longer going to be carried on WPBR. The reason they gave the public was financial, however, I was told by the program director I had to "Try to find something good to say about Communism" I refused and the show was ended.”

“I now am heard on, 7-10 am EDT, I broadcast about 65 hours a month on from 7-10 am with listeners all over the world, 15 minutes every Thursday on KHND 1470 am in North Dakota, and 2 hours every Friday on Ed Dean radio in Melbourne and Ft. Myers from 2-4 pm.  My political blog can be found on, and I look forward to contributing as often as possible.  We are at war with the socialists, progressives and communists, and if we don't win in November, we may perish.”

Craig Henne

Conservative Women Ignite Politics in 2012

Written by Starla Brown on . Posted in Blog

It isn’t unusual for me to listen to music while working, and recently a song by Adele made me stop and think about the words Set Fire to the Rain. I thought about how well that described the growing number of women in my life who make up my circle of political friends.  In their daily lives they manage their homes, jobs and family while running for office, serving in leadership roles in political organizations, campaigning for republicans, and moving the conservative cause forward.  These amazing women inspire me:  they write, they protest, they make the election process work, and they think freely without hesitation.  And, lately they have defended their politics against this so-called war on women.